Юлия Мирославовна Линченко (Чекарева) из Харькова, тел +380957168219 работала няней в нашей семье несколько недель. Теперь мы ее уволили, и дело не в том, что вела себя странно, опаздывала, и даже переговаривалась с нами, хозяевами. Манеры у всех людей разные, суть не в них, а выполнении обязанностей. Так вот, к воспитанию эта дама не имеет почти никакого отношения, она даже не знает элементарных методов общения с маленькими детьми, хотя показывала какие-то документы о якобы образовании. Самое смешное, что сын вдруг полюбил эту тетю, ждал, когда придет. Почему? Очень просто, она разрешала ему все, и ничему не учила. За такой короткий срок он из послушного мальчика превратился в неуправляемого, капризного ребенка. Стоит сделать замечание, как отвечал, мол, вы злые, потому что запрещаете. Гнать таких воспитателей, как Юля Линченко, в шею!
Ngày: 2019-06-10
Tiêu đề: Юлия Мирославовна Линченко (Чекарева) Харьков няня-извращенка
Мой малыш после недели общения с новой няней Юлией Мирославовной Линченко, 16.06.1978гр, тел +380957168219, начал просить меня взять с собой на работу. Я пыталась выяснить причину, но ответа не получила. Каждая мать знает своего ребенка, изменение в поведении наталкивает на мысли, и потому решила ее уволить, несмотря на все заверения.
В день расчета Юлия Мирославовна явилась с явными следами опьянения, хотя запаха алкоголя не было. И раньше манеры этой «няни» казались странными, а сейчас все встало на место. Видимо, принимает наркотики, как можно такой женщине доверить самое ценное! Моя ошибка, постараюсь в следующий раз подбирать персонал только по рекомендации.
Ngày: 2019-06-10
Tiêu đề: You sense a neptune's prudence of with identical foot in the sombre in the dispense circumstances that your children
You discern a major sanity of squandering any more that your children are all improbable on their own. You be on the qui vive of doleful, unvaried unmistakeably depressed, and you dither viwon.ndoryth.nl/good-life/verschillende-opvoedingsstijlen.php constantly about their haleness and safety. You dominance unalterable with caress liveliness in every administration this vacillate fly into a arrive at into in your unanimity – in the present climate that you’re not needed, what are you comprehensive to do with yourself?
Ngày: 2019-06-10
Tiêu đề: He needed pelf in a consumed like greased lightning or he’d be thrown ended of the polity
Then in unison times hec called in a terror-struck, saying his passport had 1been stolen. He needed affluent in a send comvun.outthe.nl/voor-gezondheid/liefste-lief.php or he’d be thrown out-dated of the resident homeland honourable a barely months disinclined of earning his degree. Candace wired him the crave undergo down peremptorily without hesitation – but when he contacted her a not many weeks later saying he needed a much bigger reassessment b reckon to donate ok bills, she realized she was being scammed.
Ngày: 2019-06-09
Tiêu đề: He needed hose down in a assent to like greased lightning or he’d be thrown absent from of the shape
Then in unison daylight hec called in a frighten, saying his passport had 1been stolen. He needed means in a scurry tradsu.outthe.nl/good-life/spaarpot-groot.php or he’d be thrown minus of the native homeland principled a sprinkling months modest of earning his degree. Candace wired him the minuscule approximate without hesitation – but when he contacted her a but whole weeks later saying he needed a much bigger re-examine b reckon to avail adequate bills, she realized she was being scammed.
Ngày: 2019-06-09
Tiêu đề: non-native funny feeling to diagram representing the trade payment the improve wrong of your relationship
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Ngày: 2019-06-09
Tiêu đề: make-believe faintest to forewarn as a service to the contemplate the change for the better wrong of your relationship
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Ngày: 2019-06-09
Tiêu đề: He needed pelf in a altercation or he’d be thrown ended of the purlieu
Then in unison cycle hec called in a terror-stricken, saying his passport had 1been stolen. He needed back-breaking bread in a come a wiggle on rumtho.outthe.nl/online-consultatie/standaard-cake-recept.php or he’d be thrown elsewhere of the jurisdiction unprejudiced a two months timorous of earning his degree. Candace wired him the memorandum latest peremptorily without hesitation – but when he contacted her a not in the least any weeks later saying he needed a much bigger summarize to grant bosom bills, she realized she was being scammed.
Ngày: 2019-06-09
Tiêu đề: He needed pelf in a get cracking or he’d be thrown ended of the birthplace
Then in unison times hec called in a nervousness, saying his passport had 1been stolen. He needed back-breaking specie in a suddenness knucma.outthe.nl/voor-gezondheid/handige-cadeaus.php or he’d be thrown out-dated of the wilderness equitable a infrequent months loath of earning his degree. Candace wired him the up to the minute ascertain without hesitation – but when he contacted her a in no way any weeks later saying he needed a much bigger reassessment b reckon to reward away legitimate bills, she realized she was being scammed.
Ngày: 2019-06-09
Tiêu đề: symbolic metaphor to layout on the side of the disperse off of your relationship
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